It is August 25th.
A Tuesday, not a Monday. I'm already starting this blog off on the wrong foot. Maybe I'll start it off with the wrong hand as well, and insult a few people while I'm at.
Got off work about an hour ago, walked my weary ass up the hill. and by hill I do mean the hill. Concrete, but a hill still.
I think this blog will be so that everyone, or no one can know about all of my complaints, I can't guarentee it will be funny, or that it will even be frequent as I get tired of things very quickly, but shit, I read a funny blog about 3 millaseconds ago and about the time it took me to create this account; and I was like, "well damn, I'm kind of funny sometimes, mostly observant, maybe I can try this blog thing out too!"
Here I am. My first post, and hardly anything to say.
Maybe I will start off with complaining about my job. Easy enough. I work at one of the biggest corporations in America. Good old Starbucks.
Now, before you jump down my throat for being a corporate whore, here are some nice things: Job security anywhere in America, muthafuckin sweet benefits, and the ability to give you decaf when you piss me off.
Back to what I came here to do, complain.
Complaint number one. Walking to work at the ungodly hour of 4:30 am whilst it rains. It's Seattle right? It rains in August. I tend to constantly forget what state I'm in until I hear one of my friends yell "Caaaallliiifooorrrniaaa!!" and get a firm punch in the arm (state license plate game). This would never happen in California, well the arm punching does.
Complaint number two. No foam lattes. Hey asshole, sure, I am a monkey who pushes buttons, but shit, I am a monkey who makes some deeelish foam and for you to make me scrape it all off, well most likely it's getting resteamed or you get decaf. It's really that simple, I don't like you.
Complaint number three. Angry customers who believe baristas to be mind readers. I'm sorry I didn't ask you if you didn't want whipped cream on your sugary breve mocha, I only assumed you were a fatass all the way around. I'd also like to apologize for when you wanted an iced drink but didn't actually say anything until after you received the drink "OHHH I forgot to ask for it iced", so sorry, I should have known. I'd also like to apologize for not being multi-lingual and not realizing which thing you point at when you just say a flavor.
Right, I'll leave that for now.
I need to put on a shirt (yeah, I'm writing this topless right now. I still have pants on though, don't worry).
And pray to God that this new car battery works and my ghetto mercedes benz will live again (don't be jealous, it's probably older than you).
Until next time I find something else to complain about in this great city of Seattle.
Signing off.